Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I (Sugar Busters) was having a great time with steve in the mountains when disaster struck. There was a massive earth quake. Everything started falling down and i hear that there will be a tsunami. Steve was hit through the face with a piece of rock from a cliff above. It Created a whole in his face that was 3 inches by 3 inches and dropped to the ground just to get engulfed in a mudslide. I was lucky enough to jump onto a giant rock that was floating down the river of mud like a boat.
I made it safely back to the hotel which had a mud retardent wall and a giant dome that could keep debris and smoke out. I am now safe temporarily and I am doing research on Earthquakes to figure out what caused this one. That will be my next post. Hopefully I will survive until then. I miss steve. Busters Out.
